Creating a new component

  1. Select Create Custom Component

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  2. Enter a component name and click next to proceed to Step 2

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  3. Click Select Component Picture to pick an image for your component

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  4. Enter the dimensions (width and height) of your component in inches

    1. Alternatively, you can resize the image by first selecting the image, and then dragging the resize handles

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  5. Start to place component pins

    1. Click the Place Pin button to enter pin placement mode
    2. Click the places you would like to add pins
      1. Note that the pins snap to an invisible grid with 0.05" increments (half the distance between breadboard pins)
      2. After placing the first pin, you may want to reposition the component image to align with the pin by clicking and dragging the image
      3. You can disable pin snapping by clicking the green Snap to Grid button

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  1. You can also manually reposition pins
    1. Let's say you don't like the position of the pins after they snap to the grid
      1. You can disable pin snapping by clicking Snap to Grid
      2. Then bulk select the pins by holding the shift key down and selecting multiple pins
      3. Then manually click and drag to reposition the pins, or use your arrow keys to reposition selected items

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  1. Enter pin labels that are displayed when you hover over a component pin
    1. Click to select a pin
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the left-most page
    3. Enter a label for the pin


  1. Save your new component

    1. Click Next to proceed to Step 3
    2. Click Save Component


  2. Use your newly created component

    1. You can find your component under User Defined components

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Editing a Component

  1. Right-click the component you would like to modify